Fresh seaweeds, shellfish, & marine life producta

Sea Life & Seaweed

Sea life from the Northern Atlantic Ocean. 50 degree F salt water species. Gulf of Maine Inc. supplies sea life, beach plants, and aquarium substrates from Maine, collected by hand.

Aquarium substrates


Bony fishes



Cartilaginous fishes



Gulf of Maine assortments




Saltwater plants




Common or 'Sugar' Kelp (Laminaria saccharina)

Common or 'Sugar' Kelp (Laminaria saccharina)

from $55.00

Common name: sugar or common kelp

Scientific name:  Laminaria saccharina

Locations: low tide beds, rocky ledges, mooring balls, docks, floats, lines

Seasonality: available all year, but grows best in winter and spring

Colors:  brown

Size:  all sizes are available from 3" 'kelp-lets' to giant 12' monster plants

Collected:  by hand

Quantity: sold by the plant(s) - one large kelp can be a 2 gallon volume, smaller 'kelp-lets' may take a dozen pieces to get a pound. Specify if you have a preference.

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Shimmery, golden sugar kelp.

Shimmery, golden sugar kelp.

Tidepool Tim says,  “Sugar kelp gets its name from the sweetish white powder that forms on the edges of a dried frond as it lies washed up on beaches in the summer sun. In the tidepools, kelp provides food and protection for lots of animals. Sea urchins love to munch on the fronds or stalk, even the holdfasts. Holdfasts themselves provide a microcosm of sea life including snails, Corallina, sea oak, sea grapes, scaleworms, bryozoa, & sponges. Periwinkle snails love to graze on the 'leaves' or long fronds licking their way up and down and leaving tiny trails like miniature "zambonis." Obelia hydroids cover the fronds during the summer and fall months as they complete their seasonal life cycles.  Busy-backed nudibranchs, in turn, graze on the hydroids and bryozoans. A kelp bed is much like the large trees in the rain-forest. dozens of species depend on kelp for food and habitat.  It supports a complete food chain.”

Purple Irish Moss (Chondrus) Wet, Fresh, Whole leaf, Live IMG_9611.jpeg

Purple Irish Moss (Chondrus) Wet, Fresh, Whole leaf, Live

from $70.00
Mermaid's hair RkMyQTJGNDAxRDg2Nzg5MDFBQ0Q6MWM3ODFlMzJiYWFjMjgxMTUzMWRjMjczNWFmMGRiYmI6Ojo6OjA=.jpeg

Mermaid's Hair (Cladophora spp.)

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Red Coral Crust (Lithothamnion)

Purple Irish Sea Moss - Chondrus crispus -  Whole leaf,  Dried - FREE SHIPPING IMG_0011.JPG

Purple Irish Sea Moss - Chondrus crispus - Whole leaf, Dried - FREE SHIPPING

from $51.00
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Purple Laver (Porphyra ssp.)
