Daisy Brittlestar (Ophiopholis aculeata)

Daisy Brittlestar (Ophiopholis aculeata)
Common name: daisy brittle star, painted brittle star
Scientific name: Ophiopholis aculeata
Locations: shallow waters of the coast, attached to rocks, in cracks and crevices
Seasonality: available all year
Colors: yellow, red, orange, patterned
Size: 2” - 4”
Collected: by hand
Quantity: sold by the each
Tidepool Tim says, “Daisy brittle stars look distinctly different than sea stars. Their arms are very slender, and may break off if handled! In fact, this is a defensive strategy to escape prey. The arm will regenerate before long! Brittle stars tend to prey on microscopic organisms, feeding differently than a sea star. Their stomachs cannot extrude for feeding. The food goes right into its mouth.”