Lacy Crust Bryozoan (Membranipora spp.)

Lacy Crust Bryozoan (Membranipora spp.)
Common name: lacy crust bryozoan
Scientific name: Membranipora spp.
Locations: grows on macro-algae like kelps & irish moss
Seasonality: available year round
Colors: white colonies
Size: 1" - 12"
Collected: by hand
Quantity: sold by each colony on host plant
Tidepool Tim says, “Lacy crust is one of the prettiest organisms you will see in tidepools, in kelp beds, or even washed up on the shores. This animal grows as a colony with new growth emerging at the lateral edges of the white colony. Since some kelp plants grow for many years, sometimes this bryozoan can be 12" in diameter. I have seen thousands of these over the years and still, they command my attention every time I see a new one.”