Fresh seaweeds, shellfish, & marine life producta

Sea Life & Seaweed

Sea life from the Northern Atlantic Ocean. 50 degree F salt water species. Gulf of Maine Inc. supplies sea life, beach plants, and aquarium substrates from Maine, collected by hand.

Aquarium substrates


Bony fishes



Cartilaginous fishes



Gulf of Maine assortments




Saltwater plants




Eastern Mud Snail (Tritia obsoleta)

Eastern Mud Snail (Tritia obsoleta)

from $40.00

Common name:  mud dog whelk, Eastern mud snail

Scientific name:  Tritia obsoleta

Locations:  low water mark on muddy bottoms

Seasonality:  available year round

Colors:  dusky brown with white markings, usually covered in mud

Size:  1/4" - 1/2"

Collected:  by hand

Quantity:  sold by the each

per pack:
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A group of mud dog whelks grazing in the mud on a sunny day in May.  When the picture was taken, there were probably a million whelks grazing together - and making a loud slurping noise in unison.

A group of mud dog whelks grazing in the mud on a sunny day in May.  When the picture was taken, there were probably a million whelks grazing together - and making a loud slurping noise in unison.

Tidepool Tim says,  “This is the smallest whelk species we supply.  They are not native to our cold-water bays here in eastern Maine.  I collect them at my in-laws' place in Freeport.  They are complete scavengers that like to feed in the muddy bottom or sandy mud area and are omnivorous.  We sell a lot of these snails to aquarium enthusiasts cause they help keep their tanks clean sweeping up uneaten food, algae, other dead or dying organisms. They also make a good disposable food source for smaller sea-stars, hermit crabs, and fish.”


Gulf of Maine Bivalve Molluscs (6 Species)

from $170.00
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Bushy-backed Nudibranch (Dendronotus frondosus)

from $50.00
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Common Jingle Shell (Anomia simplex)

from $38.00
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Stimpson's Whelk (Colus stimpsoni)

from $55.00
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Truncate Clam (Mya truncata)

from $50.00