Warty Sponge (Melonanchora spp.)
Warty Sponge (Melonanchora spp.)
Common name: warty sponge
Scientific name: Melonanchora spp.
Locations: grows in kelp beds, and in rock piles
Seasonality: this can be a tough sponge to find sometimes, year round some years not available
Colors: bright yellow
Size: 4” - 6" clumps
Collected: by hand
Quantity: sold by the clump
Tidepool Tim says, “Warty sponge populations seem to ebb and flow every few years. I have always been able to find specimens in kelp beds and in rocky seaweed plains that drain dry at low water but that have a good overtstory of seaweeds to keep the sponge wet at low tide. This sponge has a real angular makeup and fractures into pieces easily. Bloodstars seem to graze on the sponge. The bright yellow color makes it easy to spot and a nice addition to any coldwater aquarium.”