Supplemental to Dogfish Dissection Guide: Homologies Between Cat (Felis catus) and Dogfish Shark (Squalus acanthias)

Supplemental to Dogfish Dissection Guide: Homologies Between Cat (Felis catus) and Dogfish Shark (Squalus acanthias)
Supplemental Guide to GOM Dogfish Shark Dissection Guide
Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy cat (Felis catus) dissection guide with a focus on homologies between dogfish and Gulf of Maine, Inc. Dogfish Shark Dissection Guide.
25 page PDF ebook
Four sections of content are lead by objectives questions answered through text, original hand-drawn diagrams, and real dissection photos of key anatomical features.
- Dissection Process Overview
- Identify and Discuss the Basic Function of Cat Muscles
- Identify and Discuss the Basic Function of Cat Internal Organs
- Explain and Discuss Homologies Between Cat and Dogfish Shark