Gulf of Maine Brown Seaweeds (4 Phaeophyta spp.)

Gulf of Maine Brown Seaweeds (4 Phaeophyta spp.)
Common names: kelp, rockweed, brown macrophyte
Scientific names: Fucus spp., Ascophyllum spp., Laminaria spp.
Locations: lower intertidal marine algae species from Cobscook Bay collecting areas
Seasonality: available all year
Colors: brown
Size: 2” - 6'
Collected: by hand
Quantity: 1 quart sized mass of each seaweed
Note: The assortment will vary season to season. Contact us if you have a specific request.
Tidepool Tim says, “Gulf of Maine Brown Seaweeds is a great way to introduce students to a variety of seaweeds or marine macro-algae. Various species of kelps and "rockweeds" (Ascophyllum and Fucus) are supplied. A minimum of 6 species is supplied with enough volume to run a classroom of lab activities or experiments. Algae can be kept in refrigerator temps for up to a week. Students may want to make mounts and dry the specimens for display. Seaweeds are shipped as "catch of the day" depending on the time of year and relative abundance of species.
This assortment is also sufficient for establishing a diverse brown seaweed presence in a saltwater tank. Investigate for yourself which species 'like' your tank's specific environment."