Gulf of Maine Univalve Molluscs (8 Species)

Gulf of Maine Univalve Molluscs (8 Species)
Gulf of Maine Univalve Molluscs (8 species) may include:
Waved whelk (Buccinum undatum), common slipper shell (Crepidula fornicata), tortoiseshell limpet (Acmaea testudinalis), rough-mantled nudibranch (Cnchidoris bilamellata)
Common name: waved whelk
Scientific name: Buccinum undatum
Locations: low water mark and deeper, on mussel beds and rocky shores
Seasonality: available year round
Colors: tan shells with creamy white foot, sometimes green with algal coating
Size: 2" - 3"
Collected: by hand or in whelk traps
Quantity: sold by the each
Common name: common periwinkle snail
Scientific name: Littorina littorea
Locations: mid to low tide, on rocks, mussels, kelp, pilings, seaweeds
Seasonality: available year round
Colors: brown & black color
Size: 1/2” - 1"
Collected: by hand
Quantity: sold by the each
Common name: common slipper shell
Scientific name: Crepidula fornicata
Locations: rocks & stones, on shells - especially live scallops, mussels, crabs
Seasonality: available year round
Colors: white and pink
Size: 1/4" - 1/2"
Collected: by hand, knife to detach them from rocks
Quantity: sold by the each
Common name: common jingle shell
Scientific name: Anomia simplex
Locations: floats, lobster traps, pilings, rocks, mussel shells, buoys, etc. subtidal
Seasonality: available year round
Colors: white or tan or yellowed
Size: 1/4" - 1/2"
Collected: by hand
Quantity: sold by the each
Common name: tortoiseshell limpet
Scientific name: Acmaea testudinalis
Locations: grows on smooth rocks and shells in the lower intertidal
Seasonality: available year round
Colors: dark brown or black with streaks from top to bottom of shell
Size: 1/4" - 1+"
Collected: by hand, knife to detach them from rocks
Quantity: sold by the each
Common name: Atlantic red chiton
Scientific name: Ischnochiton ruber
Locations: 'pink' zone of encrusting coralline algae at the low water mark on sides/bottoms of rocks
Seasonality: available year round
Colors: pink, reddish, with blue-green margins
Size: 1/4" - 1.5"
Collected: by hand
Quantity: sold by the each
Common name: moon snail
Scientific name: Lunatia heros
Locations: sandy beaches, low water, also caught in lobster traps
Seasonality: available year round
Colors: brown & tan shells
Size: 1" - 4"
Collected: by hand
Quantity: sold by the each
Common name: rough-mantled nudibranch
Scientific name: Cnchidoris bilamellata
Locations: undersides of large rocks in lower intertidal
Seasonality: available year round
Colors: brown & black with raised whitish bumps
Size: 1" - 2"
Collected: by hand - pull them off rocks
Quantity: sold by the each