Fresh seaweeds, shellfish, & marine life producta

Sea Life & Seaweed

Sea life from the Northern Atlantic Ocean. 50 degree F salt water species. Gulf of Maine Inc. supplies sea life, beach plants, and aquarium substrates from Maine, collected by hand.

Aquarium substrates


Bony fishes



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Saltwater plants




Gulf of Maine Bivalve Molluscs (6 Species)

Gulf of Maine Bivalve Molluscs (6 Species)

from $170.00

Gulf of Maine Bivalve Molluscs (6 species) may include species:

Depending on the “catch of the day,”

Common name: soft-shelled clam, long-neck clam, steamer clam

Scientific name:  Mya arenaria

Locations: buried in intertidal sand and mud

Seasonality:  available year round

Colors:  shell color ranges from bright white (sand) to dark black (mud)

Size:  2” - 4"

Collected:  hand dug with fork in sand and mud

Quantity:  sold by the each

Common name: blue mussel    

Scientific name:  Mytilus edulis

Locations: mid - low tide, on rocks, pilings, floats, buoys, in beds on bottom

Seasonality:  available year round

Colors:  blue-black color

Size:  1"  - 3"

Collected:  by hand

Quantity:  sold by the each

Common name: horse mussel

Scientific name:  Modiolus modiolus

Locations: on rocks in lower intertidal, kelp beds

Seasonality:  available year round

Colors:  brown and black shells

Size:  2” - 4"

Collected:  by hand

Quantity:  sold by the each

Common name: chestnut astarte clam   

Scientific name:  Astarte castanea

Locations: sub-tidal on rocky bottoms

Seasonality:  available year round

Colors:  dark brown and black

Size:  3/4"  - 1"

Collected:  by hand or dredge

Quantity:  sold by the each

Common name: mahogany clam, black clam

Scientific name:  Arctica islandica

Locations: sub-tidal on mud bottoms

Seasonality:  available year round

Colors:  brown - black color with white on umbo

Size:  1" -  3"

Collected:  by deepwater dredge

Quantity:  sold by the each

Common name:   American oyster

Scientific name:  Crassostrea virginica

Locations: mid - low tide, shell beds, especially in estuaries

Seasonality:  available year round

Colors:  white with green tinge

Size:  1"  - 3"

Collected:  by hand

Quantity:  sold by the each

per pack:
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Cup and Saucer Limpet (Crucibulum striatum)

from $95.00
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Common Jingle Shell (Anomia simplex)

from $38.00
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American Oyster (Crassostrea virginica)

from $35.00

White Dorid (Acanthodoris muricata)

from $60.00

Arctic Rock Borer Clam (Hiatella arctica)

from $45.00